Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
16 And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 Here is a call for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666. Revelation 13:16-18
In my
entry “Part
Four, Entry 1 (Video): “There Are Frogs In A Pot Of Water In Sweden,” I uploaded
a video broadcasted by ITV News titled "Why human microchipping is so
popular in Sweden," that reports on Swedish citizens voluntarily implanting
rice size microchips into their hands and arms for the convenience to not
having to carry or use paper currency and credit cards to purchase everyday
items like groceries, food at a restaurant, or snacks in a vending machine; or carry
or use keys to start their cars, or open their house doors.
you had viewed the video I posted in my last blog entry, and believed what is
happening in Sweden is isolated, you are wrong. It is occurring all over the
world, and with the advent of cryptocurrency or bitcoin “a type of digital
currency in which a record of transactions is maintained and new units of
currency are generated by the computational solution of mathematical problems,
and which operates independently of a central bank,”[1]
paper currency and credit cards are becoming obsolete, and the creation of a
cashless global society is slowly being transitioned in.
The book of Revelation written by John of Patmos circa AD 96 during the reign of Roman emperor Domitian (AD 81–96), prophesied in Revelation 13: 16-18, our global society was going to become cashless, and the only way to buy or sell anything, each person would have to have a "mark" in their right hand or forehead.
13: 16-18:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of
the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and
The six videos below are just a few local and national news broadcasts that supports how our leaders in government, commerce, and technology around the world are transitioning our global society to what John had prophesied in the book of Revelation. In my next entry, I will post videos about other developments in technologies like Quantum-dot tattoos, Electronic tattoos, and Neuralink brain chips (Daniel 12:4) that supports the prophesies of Jesus, John, Daniel, and the Bible.
"Microchipping humans wields great
promise, but does it pose greater risk?"
PBS NewsHour: "An intense debate is underway over the benefits and
drawbacks of using microchips, typically relied upon to identify ranch animals
and pets, on humans. Advantages include fast communication of critical patient
data to medical teams, seamless payment and automatically opened doors. But
skeptics warn of dire implications for privacy and ethics. Special
correspondent Malcolm Brabant reports."
"The Mark Of The Beast 666 = BIOMETRY?"
"India swaps cash for biometric
"Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani tells Kristie Lu Stout about India's
cash revolution, where all you need is a thumbprint and ID to become a walking
"Texas schools punish students who
refuse to be tracked with microchips"
RT America: "In Texas Radio Frequency Identification chips are
being implemented into San Antonio area schools IDs. The reason for the RFID
chipped IDs is to curb the truancy problem in the Northside ISD. School
officials claim knowing where every student is at all times will significantly
reduced the number of truancy cases,but one student refused to participate and
said the mandatory program was against her religion and claimed the RFID chip
was the "mark of the beast." RT's web producer Andrew Blake gives us
more on the controversial program and what it means for students."
"US tech company offers to implant
microchips in employees"
Good Morning America: “Around 50 employees at Wisconsin-based Three Square Market
are preparing to have microchips implanted between their forefingers and thumbs
that are designed to allow them to more easily make purchases and enter the
"Microchipped Employees in Wisconsin | The Daily Show"
Here is the sinner’s prayer if you are moved to give your life to Christ –
“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name. Amen.”
Leni D. Anderson BA ArtH., MLIS, MA in Apologetics & Cosmogony (candidate), Regent University School of Divinity.
[1], Dictionary. Access on September 7, 2020. Bitcoin.
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